Transforming Women's Health for Business Success with Miki Sunguza

Hawley Woods Gray:

Have you ever wished for guidance in effectively growing your business and managing your finances? Or wonder what it takes to succeed as a female entrepreneur in finance? Then this is the podcast for you. Welcome to Women of Law, where generational wisdom meets ambition. I'm Ali Romo, your millennial host.

Hawley Woods Gray:

And I'm Hawley Woods Gray, your Gen X host.

Allie Ramo:

Using our combined backgrounds in insurance and financial services, we will share what we've learned to give you the tools

Hawley Woods Gray:

you need to grow your business. Join us, and together, we will help you discover practical strategies for financial leverage, business growth, and securing your future.

Hawley Woods Gray:

Hey, Wealth Warriors. Are you ready to redefine wealth and master your money's mindset? Welcome to Women of Wealth. I'm your Gen x host, Hawley Woods Gray.

Allie Ramo:

And I'm your millennial host, Ali Ramo.

Hawley Woods Gray:

Today, we will be talking with Miki Sanguza, founder of A La Carte Health, who offers a a variety of valuable opportunities to explore the intersection of health, money mindset, and wealth creation, especially for female entrepreneurs.

Allie Ramo:

Mickey, can you introduce yourself and give our listeners a little background about you?

Miki Sunguza:

Yes. Absolutely. It's a pleasure to be with you ladies today. And I love the topic of wealth and really how it entered run into our life and show up in different various way. So a little bit about my background.

Miki Sunguza:

I was born in Congo, Central Africa to a Chinese mother and a half Greek, half Congolese father. We lived in a village, away from civilization. A lot of things were happening. In our household, we spoke three different languages at all time, and then eventually, you know, we moved. So, we traveled a little bit around the world, finally landing into Canada, not by choice, but because we were refugees at that time.

Miki Sunguza:

And so, my perspective on wealth and on life have have broadened a lot since because of all the different places I've experienced, all the things that I've seen and especially how it affects people lives. And it is so great to be with you to be able to share those things today.

Allie Ramo:

I'm sure your background is going to be really interesting to to dive deeper into. Can you further explain to us how it's influenced your perspective on financial well well-being and wealth creation?

Miki Sunguza:

Yes. So, you know, when I was little about I was eight year old also. My dad was a successful business man. He owned several a chain of stores. He had about 15 at that time.

Miki Sunguza:

That's actually when it was actually the only time that I actually seen my dad becoming sick. And we didn't know at that time, but he was really sick, struggling with sleep, losing weight. And it was very alarming to all of us. He went on traveling outside of the country, looking for the best expert to figure out his health. And then when he came back, we finally learned that there was no burnout, adrenaline burnout, and how much he needed to take care of himself.

Miki Sunguza:

So this this episode of our family life has really, ingrained into my mind the importance of health and that without health, it's actually very hard to build long lasting wealth. Without health, there's no reason of having wealth because health is actually everything. Health is like the foundation on which it's like the table on which all the other aspect of your life is set on. And that's why I went into studying nursing first, and then after that, becoming osteopath, and now doing functional medicine. Health is one of those things that, you know, when you're healthy, you don't think about it.

Miki Sunguza:

But when you're not, you will spend every single dollar to actually get it back.

Hawley Woods Gray:

Absolutely. Well, you know, I had a mom that got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when I was three years old. So that rings very true in my family, and it certainly, did stifle her, as a female entrepreneur because once she started getting sick and having different episodes where she might fall or whatnot, she wasn't able to really continue the business that she had started. So let's talk a little bit about how, early menopause at age 37, led you to specialize in functional medicine. Can you discuss, that as well as any challenges financially that women face when they have those significant health trans transitions and also how they can prepare for them.

Miki Sunguza:

Yes. As many of your listener knows, it's just now that we're talking more about menopause. And, yes, 37 may seem young. And it it may be young, but it's not that young, actually. Some women will experience that even in their thirties.

Miki Sunguza:

We we see that. And so when this happened to me at that time, I was already a business owner. I have, I was a mom with four kids. I was doing plenty, a lot of things. I was a Cub Scout mom, you know, Like, all those activity that goes around taking care of a young family.

Miki Sunguza:

And then, of course, my my dad who was starting to be old. He was becoming older, but at the same time needed, you know, needed me to be at his medical appointment. There were just so much demand on me that when I went through this crisis, which is a transition, I mean, all of us will go through that, but this transition can be is lived very differently. We are all unique, And this was a very unique experience for me. It took everything, all that I, all the knowledge that I had, all the capacity, all the help that I could have, all the support.

Miki Sunguza:

I had to tap into every resources that I had in the, in that time, including financial resources to actually, finally heal, regroup, and then later on continue on my business. I see this often for us women in business that we just think that our life is gonna go on. You know, we don't prepare for exactly that major transition, which is menopause. And what I like to tell to my clients when they're younger, right, I mostly work with women 40 and plus, but when they're younger and haven't gone yet through, like, perimenopause, we then talk about what are the strategies that you can do? What are the easy thing that you can actually do right now to prepare your body?

Miki Sunguza:

Because it is your body to go through this transition in a smooth way. And often, it's always about come back to where are you right now? What are your blood test results saying about you? You know, what do you need to lose weight? Are you are you sleeping well?

Miki Sunguza:

Are you taking care of you? So taking care of ourselves and making sure that our ducks are aligned before menopause is actually the best strategy. Now you may be already into menopause. You can still do things and you must do things, especially if you're in business. Because as you know, I don't already like business as an entrepreneur role, it's a sport.

Miki Sunguza:

It's so like, yeah, it's like Olympic games here. It's not, it's not for the faint of heart. And it does ask a lot of energy, stamina, like, concentration, all of those things. So it's very demanding.

Hawley Woods Gray:

Yeah. I I think it's so interesting because, like, I had a baby later in life. So I was 43 when I had him, and then I went into I feel like I had a baby, and then all those hormones got out of my body. And then I went right into, menopause right after that. You know?

Hawley Woods Gray:

And I think I was already in perimenopause, and that was why it was so hard for me to get pregnant to begin with. You know, my husband and I were both older business owners, all that kind of thing, whenever we first started, and we decided not to do any type of in vitro or anything like that because we figured there's plenty of kids in the world that need love. So if we don't have one biologically, then that's fine. So I really think that it is important because I didn't really I I went the, naturopathic way as well. I, you know, I took the herbs.

Hawley Woods Gray:

I went to a chiropractor. I went to, the needles acupuncture.

Allie Ramo:

I went

Hawley Woods Gray:

to acupuncture. I did all these different things to that were natural, to get pregnant. So, like, I totally get that had I had a better journey maybe during my twenties or even my early thirties or maybe less birth control or something like that, I might have had a much easier way of, getting pregnant as well as once I stopped you know, started going into perimenopause after I had Jackson. So I think it's very important for women to understand that. Yes.

Allie Ramo:

Yeah. And, Mickey, you also made a a comment about your your dad having a lot of stress on his body, and we really don't think I mean, when we think of, yeah, stress, we don't really think of how our everyday lives or even our career, especially women being business owners and having a family. We don't really talk about how stress can harm your body. And I mean, I recently went through stuff some skin issues and was kept being told the same thing by dermatologists. And I eventually went the naturopathic route as well.

Allie Ramo:

And then, ta da, my my symptoms are all disappearing now. And then going back to those dermatologists, and they just look at me like I'm like, they just don't understand how it got to that point. But it really was all the testing that needs to be done. And looking at like a very holistic perspective of it's just not, it's not that one symptom that's causing it. There's other things.

Allie Ramo:

And and usually, stress is one of those things that, you know, if it's not the root cause, it's not it's definitely not helping anything. So how do you help, female entrepreneurs, you know, balance, health, stress, and business demands, and then sometimes family demands and other other responsibilities on top of it?

Miki Sunguza:

I love, love your question. And, you know, I wanna, I wanna congratulate you for going a different route. And I think this is so important for us to understand that there's different options there. Like we don't always have to do the allopathic way. We, we have options.

Miki Sunguza:

Yes. So I love this question, this question about how I help those ladies. I, when they come to me, most of the time, Allie and Holly, it's not because they're healthy. You know, they don't come to me because like, Hey, I'm feeling so good. Most of the time they come to me because they're, they know that they've crossed some physical boundaries that the there's, their limits are right there.

Miki Sunguza:

They're not functioning well. They may not sleeping well anymore. They they may have gained weight, but their body is actually showing signs, and those things are really bothering them. And so the first thing that I do is we test them. I believe in having data, really data about your body.

Miki Sunguza:

We are into you know, this is 2025. There's so much out there that we have advanced in terms of technology that we can use with our health. And so having those tests being done gives us a baseline of where are you? Are you lacking, you know, minerals, vitamins? What is it?

Miki Sunguza:

What's happening inside of your body? Each one of us is unique, And so your story is also unique from that we build, and it is again, a one on one thing. We build your strategy of what are the first things that we need to fine tune? What is it that you need? Is it more nutrition?

Miki Sunguza:

Do you need supplement in some way for how long the supplements are we doing here? Five weeks? Are we doing three months? What is it that we need to correct? And then of course, the mindset come into play.

Miki Sunguza:

We know that as you were saying, Allie, stress, right? Like us women, apparently, we love to run. Like, we love to go above the limits and think that everything is gonna go well. And so most of the time, all of our meetings together is gonna be around. How are you setting boundaries?

Miki Sunguza:

How are you protecting rest, specifically sleeping? Are you how are you eating? Are you having lunch? Are you sitting down and actually having lunch? Or are you driving through the drive through and getting your sandwich and eating while in front of your computer or while you're driving?

Miki Sunguza:

All those things play a lot into our health and we don't realize it. And so I teach them. I coach them. I listen a lot because at that time, there's also a lot of the trauma that comes out. So anything that hasn't been resolved previously will come out during this transition.

Miki Sunguza:

And it is it's actually a good thing. It's a beautiful thing. That's what I tell my ladies. It's a beautiful thing because you don't wanna go on into your fifties and sixties and seventies carrying your past trauma. Like, if you still have them, this is a great time to actually work at them as well.

Hawley Woods Gray:

So it looks like you've helped a lot of women overcome different health challenges like weight gain and brain fog. How do you see these two improvements impacting people's or women's financial success and business growth?

Miki Sunguza:

This is such a pertinent question. And all of you that are listening, this is so, so good. Anytime that you improve your health, you will see the baseline of your business will just increase. Here's why. I remember this client.

Miki Sunguza:

She had incredible brain fog with insomnia, nuts, you know, and then, of course, can't concentrate. Now imagine her going to work and trying to get things done. It was taking her way longer than she wanted to, than she was used to. Then by going through my program, she actually, you know, had clarity now, didn't have to deal with the brain fog anymore. So the stamina came back, energy was back, focused and also loving her business.

Miki Sunguza:

One more time, falling in love with her business and purpose. Now, you know, a couple of months later, we could, she could already see, she could see clearly in her numbers that she had double her revenue. And that is the most incredible thing for me to witness is this transformation. The the correlation between how healthy you are and how thriving your business is gonna be, it's actually very related. It is there.

Allie Ramo:

Yeah. You I could one of the things I tell the dermatologist and my physician was I didn't realize how brain fogged I was until I started to heal. And it was like night and day. One day, I just woke up and jumped out of bed rather than, like, begging another twenty minutes in in bed. And then when I was react interacting with my clients, I could just tell I felt more present, and I could build strategies, and not have to think as hard of what am I, like, what am I gonna do next?

Allie Ramo:

And so that was one symptom, and then physical rashes leaving was another symptom. But I I explain it as if I was sleepwalking sometimes. Like, that's how big the difference was. And so if someone's doing that, and they're trying to build a business, I'm sure that they'll get to see exponential growth from going from brain fog and, you know, discomfort to I remember, I'm wearing a turtleneck right now. But I remember in a client meeting, I had rashes.

Allie Ramo:

And I had to wear a turtleneck that day, and it was hot, because I just didn't wanna look like a crazy person. And I was itching, and I'm just dying sitting in my appointment. Like, so I'm not able to be present with my client and then on top of all of the mental barriers. So I I can't stress how much that becoming healthier. And I'm I mean, Holly can vouch.

Allie Ramo:

I'm a very healthy person. I eat right. I exercise daily. Wow. But I had mineral imbalances.

Allie Ramo:

I had a bacteria. It was just like all these things that I just didn't know about until I was tested, so I can't I can't, say it enough how important it is to get tested and then have someone walk you through getting fixed. And, yeah, I mean, Holly can also vouch that my business has grown a lot in the last six to eight months. So Thank you.

Miki Sunguza:

Thank you for sharing your story, Ali. I love what you're saying because like you said, right, You weren't being brain fogged, not feeling well inside of your body. It's very hard to be present for your clients. It's so hard. And I love what you said.

Miki Sunguza:

Like, you felt like you were sleepwalking through life. Wow.

Hawley Woods Gray:

So I know a lot of times the that the functional medicine isn't necessarily covered through life insurance. I mean through health insurance and all that. So how do you structure your business so that you can help people that usually rely on those insurances? Because, like, we have products. We have what's called living benefits life insurance.

Hawley Woods Gray:

So if somebody is really going through something and they need to take some cash out because they're going through something, you know, they can take money out, but it's something that they have to start, you know, early enough to where they can have that cash built up. So are there some strategies that you help people figure out on how to afford this type of medicine since it's usually not covered with health insurance?

Miki Sunguza:

That is a great point that you're bringing up. Unfortunately, it's not covered by health insurance. And most of the testing that we do are actually expensive for, you know, the common American. It is expensive. What I tell people is there's different way of going around with that.

Miki Sunguza:

We can do payment plan, of course. We can do you know, we can establish what is the minimal that you can do right now. The minimal testing that I can do for you, it's usually a blood test. I start there. And if this is what you can you have, you can afford because I don't wanna stress people also with, you know, the money that comes.

Miki Sunguza:

So we will do then the blood test, and they will implement whatever I taught them. I can also, you know, sometimes I offer people the the opportunity of just setting money aside with me making, like, monthly payments until we reach a certain level to do a certain type of testing that they need.

Hawley Woods Gray:


Miki Sunguza:

this this usually help people. I we work very hard in our company to find different ways, to really find different ways. I know that there's a credit card. I can't recall the name. It's like I care or something like that, where they don't charge interest for the first ten month or so.

Miki Sunguza:

And most of the people are it's easy actually to qualify for that credit card because it's for health care purposes.

Allie Ramo:

That's great. Yeah.

Hawley Woods Gray:

Yeah. I mean, I think one of the things that you said early on was, you know, that we don't talk about these changes in life for women that happen. Right? We don't we don't talk about that. Sometimes even your chosen hospital or the midwife or whatever whenever you're having a baby aren't covered.

Hawley Woods Gray:

I mean, Ali and I interviewed somebody, about health insurance not too long ago, and through their health plan, you know, pregnancy wasn't covered.

Allie Ramo:


Hawley Woods Gray:

And so, thinking about family planning and especially for women, it's not just the part about having a baby. It's also, like, when you do get in your forties or fifties. I mean, I have friends that are in their fifties that haven't really even started experiencing a lot of menopause symptoms, but some of us happen sooner than later. So I think that planning is a very great way of making sure that you have those resources available and that you're not limited to your health insurance because that definitely puts people into making choices that maybe they would make different choices if they had the resources available. So I love that idea about finding the right credit card.

Hawley Woods Gray:

You know, you can if you have a high deductible, health insurance plan, you could set up a HSA. I know I've used my HSA to pay for some functional medicine before. You know, there's other types of plans that, you know, we can talk about at a later time to to even, educate our our, listeners more on. But the next question that I really wanted to talk to you about is holistic health and financial well-being, as we've been talking, are very interconnected. Can you talk a little bit more about how, making better financial decisions because you have clearer, you know, thoughts with, you know, being healthier can really help people accumulate that wealth.

Miki Sunguza:

That is so true. It is so true. So I believe I believe that investing in your health is the most strategic investment for your business. Right? I believe that this is the main thing.

Miki Sunguza:

And also that when you understand that they're healthier that you are becoming, then yes, you are gonna make smarter decision. And you also gonna attract, like people don't realize it. And Allie, you probably experienced that, that the minute that you were actually healthy and good in your skin, suddenly the right clients are coming to you because of the energy that that you are just giving to the world. And so by being and becoming more healthy, even the, you know, when we talk about mental health, like your your mental health has to be on top so that you can actually radiate this kind of energy. And then it will trans kind of like diverse, like transpose itself into this physical form of wealth.

Miki Sunguza:

It is for me, it's actually, I think, like, it's like the physical manifestation of of of wealth itself. It's it comes from us inside. What we are inside will manifest itself in the world.

Allie Ramo:

I would also add to that. I mean, just from my experience of when I started to feel good, it was, when, when decisions came, whether it was deciding my food when I didn't feel like making food or making other decisions that, you know, there's an easy path and there's a hard path, when you feel good, you are able to take that hard path and see, you know, you're investing the hard path into yourself and your future self. But when you genuinely don't feel good, sometimes you're like, I'll take the easy route. Thanks. And so I think you cannot that's compound interest in both wealth and health.

Allie Ramo:

Once you start feeling that and, I mean, now there's there's like a special salad that I make and I crave it if I've had a weekend, like I just came back from a wedding and that whole weekend, I've been craving coming home and to have my salad because I know it's gonna, like, just fuel my body. And it's a lot of prep, but it's something that I enjoy doing now and my body knows that it likes it. And so it's just little things like that that, you start to make better and better decisions, and that has a compound effect on your life. Mhmm. Absolutely.

Hawley Woods Gray:

And I noticed that on your website, you have a lot of different types of supplements that you offer. And I think that is something that a lot of people, especially in The US, don't understand as much because we have so much medication. I mean, you watch TV if you watch TV for an hour, I bet you at a minimum, you see 10, advertisements about medication, some sort of medication. And I don't know about you, but I I just can't understand how we have all of this advertising. And when it starts saying, like, side effect side effects could be leaky gut and this and that, I'm like, why would every anyone ever take this?

Hawley Woods Gray:

Like, I can't imagine feeling this bad that I'd wanna have the consequences of that. You know? So what are some, some things like Allie was talking about? What are some recommendations you can give people, some of our listeners, just about how to better take care of themselves? Like, how much exercise do you recommend?

Hawley Woods Gray:

How much, you know, fruits and vegetables and, you know, whether people are vegan or vegetarian or eat meat, whatever. Mhmm. What what are your recommendations? Because I I know there's so many studies out there, and there's so much so much, I don't know, kinda noise. Noise.

Hawley Woods Gray:

I really like to I like I like to find out, like, what do people do? I mean, I've met you in person, so, you know, you look very healthy to me. So, I mean, I don't know what you're doing, but your skin looks great and, you know, I know some of that is probably genetics. However, you know, what are some recommendations you can give to people, that are looking to feel healthier just like Allie was talking about just with diet and exercise?

Miki Sunguza:

That is a such a great question. Thank you. So diet and exercise, those are the two things that we have control over it. Right? Like each one of us have control over it.

Miki Sunguza:

No one else can do it for you. It has to be you. It's a you decision. So let's just put it out there. It is you taking control back over your health.

Miki Sunguza:

In terms of diet, I like you at Holly, I don't get into like the, you know, vegan carnivore, paleo, although to vegetarian, all of those things. Mind you, I have done all of them. I have done all of them in quest of health. I did. And this is what I've discovered.

Miki Sunguza:

It's mostly about biochemistry, right? Like just like Ali, you were saying you were craving that salad because you knew your body needed it. And so what we do with food is like, we want to eat what our body needs right now. So the way I coach my ladies, like, let's say, she's an entrepreneur and she's going into a massive launch that requires more energy, more stamina, more presence, and that it is, there's stress involved. And so for her specifically for her, I'm gonna tell her, you're gonna start your day, like with within thirty minutes of being up, you will have your first, smoothie or you'll have your first protein shake.

Miki Sunguza:

Why? Because we wanna tell your body that you're still into an abundance of food, although you're going into stress. So stress, what it does is that it's as if the the tiger is running after us, and then we're going to survival mode. And so when you're stressed, you eat less, you sleep less, you die you don't digest as well, And you then you start having all kind of problems. And so if she is doing this launch, I would tell her first thing within thirty minutes, you are having, you know, a bit of protein, a little bit of protein with either your coffee or whatever you're having that morning.

Miki Sunguza:

Then after that, we make sure that you are actually sitting down to eat at least two meals so that your body knows that it's safe and secure. And then in terms of exercising, this also, we vary between which phases of stress you are into so that we don't add more stress. So exercise is amazing. It's actually the one thing that keeps us younger in ourselves. The more muscle we have, the younger we look, the younger we feel.

Miki Sunguza:

Like, think about it. Most were the things that makes you move, you know, run, pick up things from the floor. So we need to maintain that. So for our ladies 40 and plus and even younger, we're more into the game of being stronger than being thin. So being thin is like passe.

Miki Sunguza:

We don't do those things anymore. We work out to become stronger. So lifting weight, lifting heavy weight, you know, if you you are not used to weightlifting, go see a trainer so that you're probably trained and that it's safe, but lifting weight, because you still want to build strong bones and strong muscle needs to be there about three times a week. Then, of course, cardiovascular exercises, all those, HIT interval, anything that will make your heart rate go faster, you can do that also three times a week or two times a week. And the other thing that I added recently is walking.

Miki Sunguza:

We don't think about walking as much, but walking is actually one of the incredible I'm hesitant of calling it exercising because human were just made to walk. Like, the minute we stop walking, we are in deep, deep trouble. And so I love all of our phones that we can track how many steps we're doing. And I usually recommend people to get at least 7,000 steps per day. So this is when you start thinking like, wait, do I need the little, you know, the, the mat, the walking mat underneath my desk?

Miki Sunguza:

Do I have a standing desk? Which, which I usually tell people if you're working from home, even in the office, go for the standing desk so that at least you have movement, movement during your day, increase movement at all time. Less sitting. You know, we actually say now that sitting is the new smoking. So we do less sitting now compared to before.

Miki Sunguza:

And yes. So I want I want people to remember, like, we need protein. However, you're getting your source of protein, just get more protein. You need fibers, about 30 grams of fiber per day. The average American gets, 15 grams of fiber, which is not enough.

Miki Sunguza:

So protein, fiber, lot of hydration, drink, drink, drink a lot. I rarely talk about carbs because we eat too much carbs in this society. That's why. I mean, like, try to go away from carbs and you'll find it difficult. So, protein, fiber, lot of, hydration, and then think about supplementing.

Miki Sunguza:

If like you, Ali, you were saying you ate well, you exercise and all, but you're still having a problem. That's when you you're gonna go and you're gonna start looking for your answer. That's when you turn into testing because you may be lacking minerals. It's very simple, but it plays a big deal in our system, minerals and vitamins. So you all that needs to be in check as well.

Hawley Woods Gray:

Yeah. And then one thing that, has come about recently, I've been following this gal. Her name is Casey Means. She talks about fluid energy. I'm really excited to see, you know, what happens in the future with some of the, studies and whatnot that she's a part of.

Hawley Woods Gray:

She's a doctor. It's very interesting. It following her is very interesting. I think it is a little political, so we won't really talk too much about it. But one thing that I did did hear her say is your doctor can prescribe, exercise, eating healthy, these different types of programs that aren't medication through your health insurance.

Hawley Woods Gray:

Your health insurance can pay for some of those things. So I think one of the biggest things for people is to get educated about what their health insurance does provide. I find being in this industry that the reason how come most people I mean, the biggest problem is that most people aren't educated on what they have. We see it every single day we sit down with somebody. We review their account.

Hawley Woods Gray:

You know, we're very much into putting people into products that will protect them. And they almost always say, oh, I thought I was in that kind of an account already. And I would say probably 50% of the time, they're not in that kind of account already, and they just didn't understand what they were purchasing or what they're buying every single month. So I think it's really, you know, we have been taught from generations to you go to work for somebody, you sign up for whatever the packages that they give you, and we don't ask a lot of questions. So I think this generation, you know, like Ali's generation and and younger, I hope that they ask more questions about what they have and what does it cover because there are ways of, having different programs that can protect you in different ways.

Hawley Woods Gray:

And if you have something major that happens, then you can also access that access that as well. So, next, let's go into what do you think? Should we go into the lightning round, or should we talk about what, workshops or offer you might have for our listeners? Let's do the lightning round first, then we'll talk about that at the end.

Allie Ramo:

Alright. So cash or credit?

Miki Sunguza:

I am a cash person. I love cash.

Allie Ramo:

Real estate or stocks?

Miki Sunguza:

Real estate.

Allie Ramo:

If you want a million dollars today, what would be the first thing you'd do with the money?

Miki Sunguza:

I'll invest.

Allie Ramo:

Oh, what are we investing in?

Miki Sunguza:

I will probably now invest into crypto.

Allie Ramo:

Oh. Yes. What is a fun impulse buy you've had recently?

Miki Sunguza:

A grounding mat.

Allie Ramo:

Oh. I gotta get one of those. What's a money saving tip that you swear by?

Miki Sunguza:

I I do not buy things the regular price.

Allie Ramo:

Never. My husband says that too. Never. You know, if not

Miki Sunguza:

in my Chinese side and all of that, We never buy the full price.

Allie Ramo:

Never. Never. What's your biggest financial fear?

Miki Sunguza:

My biggest financial fear. It's I I don't wanna get political is if it the system fails us right now.

Allie Ramo:

Mhmm. Okay. What's your biggest financial goal for the next year?

Miki Sunguza:

My biggest financial goal is, to to reach to reach the to go above the half a million mark

Allie Ramo:

for my business.

Hawley Woods Gray:

Nice. That's awesome.

Allie Ramo:

Yay. Well, thank you for sharing all of your insight. I've really enjoyed talking with you. I know Holly and I really like the holistic functional medicine side of things. So thank you so much for for being with us and chatting with us.

Allie Ramo:

Can you share any events or workshops or any offers that you're, providing people?

Miki Sunguza:

Yes. Sure. We just wrapped up an event. And so if people wanna know more, they can visit my website, And what I have there right now is they can book an appointment with me for a twenty minute free consultation.

Miki Sunguza:

I believe, like Holly was saying, people need to ask questions and I wanna spend this time answering their questions.

Allie Ramo:

That's really good. I wanted to actually ask you, how did you get the name a la carte?

Miki Sunguza:

It was, we were in a kitchen, my husband and I, and I was looking for a name. And then he said, but you left the medical world. Cause I did leave the medical world because you wanted to do specific things for people being tailored to each one of them a little bit that you go to a restaurant and you're asking, you know, this type of food for you and whatever you like. So that's how we we come up with a la carte that

Allie Ramo:

we're all part health

Hawley Woods Gray:

because I love that.

Miki Sunguza:

Yes. Because you're choosing, right? Like, you're really choosing for what your body needs and it will be very different and very unique to each one of us.

Allie Ramo:

I like that.

Hawley Woods Gray:

And I understand that you can work with, even though you live in North Carolina, you can work with anybody across the country, or even across, you know, other countries as well, if there's anyone listening not from The United States. So they can book that call with you. You get on a call with them, then then you would send in the request for whatever test or whatever they need to do, and then you can get on a Zoom with them and instruct them on what's next. Is that how it works?

Miki Sunguza:

It is how it work. We are a virtual clinic, And so I will order the test for the people inside The United States, because that's where I know the labs. For International One, they go, I will give them the list of markers that I'm looking for. They will then go to their doctors and have that being done. Then I interpret the the result.

Miki Sunguza:

The thing with functional medicine, people need to remember is that when you receive your results, we are looking at optimal level. Right? Because on the conventional side, what we, you know, what I used to do when I was in a conventional medicine is that we look for the average, but it's the average, it's a bell curve of the entire population. And because our American society isn't how it used to be in the fifties, that bell has moved, that bell curve has moved. And so you don't wanna be normal.

Miki Sunguza:

Like, you don't wanna be in that curve.

Hawley Woods Gray:

Well and the other thing too that I found just for myself is that what works for me, my height, my weight, my age, is different now than it was ten years ago, twelve years ago with any, you know, like, I've been on thyroid medication. I do natural thyroid. And I've just noticed that over the years, I need a little bit more to regulate me than I did when I was younger and my metabolism was faster and all those kind of things were a factor. So I think it's really important, like I said earlier, to ask questions and to, you know, not just take the first answer you're here like Ally did with her situation. You wanna make sure that you get down to the bottom of it, and that that may include a traditional doctor.

Hawley Woods Gray:

They that may include a functional doctor. I know for me, you know, I have several different, functional doctors. I have a concierge doctor too. However, I have a very unique situation with my insurance and how that all works for me. So, really, thank you so much for this conversation.

Hawley Woods Gray:

I mean, it's something that I've been passionate about for a while, and I've always believed that, you know, the more we understand our bodies, the more that we can be successful because we don't have days where we're down because we don't feel good or whatnot. So I really appreciate this conversation. I appreciate your time. Thank you so much. Is there any last word you wanna leave our audience?

Miki Sunguza:

I want them to know that they are empowered to make the decision for themselves. Right? Like each one of us can do this. Like it is your health. You have to have the final word on it.

Miki Sunguza:

Like you have to take charge of yourself.

Allie Ramo:

Well, there you have it. Thank you so much, Mickey.

Miki Sunguza:

You're welcome.

Hawley Woods Gray:

Thank you for joining us on this week's episode.

Hawley Woods Gray:

We'd love to hear from you, so make sure

Hawley Woods Gray:

to follow and tag us on Facebook and Instagram at women of wealth podcast. Your support means the

Allie Ramo:

world to us. Until next time, remember, your financial future is in your hands.

Hawley Woods Gray:

Stay informed, stay inspired, and embrace your wealth. See you on the next episode.

Transforming Women's Health for Business Success with Miki Sunguza
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