The Power of Publicity with Jill Lublin
Have you ever wished for guidance and effectively growing your business and managing your finances? Or wonder what it takes to succeed as a female entrepreneur in finance? Then this is the podcast for you. Welcome to Women of Law, where generational wisdom meets ambition. I'm Ali Romo, your millennial host.
Hawley:And I'm Hollywood's Greg, your gen x host.
Allie:Using our combined backgrounds
Hawley:in insurance and financial services,
Allie:we will share what we've learned to give you the tools you need to grow your business.
Hawley:Join us, and together, we will help you discover practical strategies for financial leverage, business growth, and securing your future.
Hawley:Hey, Wealth Warriors. Are you ready to redefine wealth and master your money mindset? Welcome to Women of Wealth. I'm your Gen X host, Hawley-Woods Gray.
Allie:And I'm your millennial host, Allie Ramo.
Hawley:Today, we will be talking to Jill Lublin about publicity.
Allie:So to start us off, Jill, can you introduce yourself and share some insights on your journey in publishing?
Jill Lublin:So, you know, I I started in publicity almost by accident, like many people get into their careers. I actually was in law school. Love that. Okay. Not.
Jill Lublin:And, dropped out and frankly found my passion, which was, at that time, working in the music business, which honed my skills for publicity. And that really started my whole career in publicity, in the music business, and then launched and worked with entrepreneurs. Opened up my own public relations agency. And now I'm helping entrepreneurs in different ways get their publicity done affordably and wisely using media mastery intensives. I've written 4 books, and I run a conscious kindness circle.
Hawley:Great. And you were sharing me with me earlier about tomorrow is National Kindness Day. Yes. Let's talk a little bit about that.
Jill Lublin:Well, it's it's actually World Kindness Day, which means the whole world is celebrating kindness, and we're so grateful for that. And, you know, this is something that's been an ongoing, really wonderful holiday. And it's a lot of fun for me because I'm being interviewed on Fox News pretty consistently, and we're talking about kindness. So that is a good thing. We need it now all over the world.
Allie:Most definitely. Are you in any relation to the organization, the they're an international inter organization that work in schools to spread kindness?
Jill Lublin:I love them. I've interviewed them on World Kindness Day and, in terms of my own circles. So my answers were not affiliated, but I certainly have endorsed them and and interviewed them. They're terrific, doing great work.
Hawley:That's somebody switches. Right, Hallease?
Jill Lublin:No. That's that's somebody else, actually.
Hawley:That person is doing kindness work.
Allie:They're down here in San Diego. They're out of San Diego.
Hawley:Okay, Jill. Well, let's jump into it. Like, for me, personally, I mean, publicity, public relations, it's all just kinda foreign to me because I think I know what it is, and then you start talking about things. And I'm like, oh, I never thought about it like that. So you have 25 plus years.
Hawley:You're a veteran in this field. Give our listeners, especially people who are new to kinda having these words and conversations, a little basic understanding about what it all means.
Jill Lublin:Well, you know, the thing I have a very broad definition of publicity because I don't I think people need to broaden their definition. The truth is you're all doing it. Right? From the minute you walk out your door or into a Zoom room or into a meeting or at Starbucks, wherever you are, guess what you're doing? Public relations.
Jill Lublin:People always say, oh, what do you do? I mean, that's a very common way that people introduce themselves. And guess what? That's public relations. Now, also, it's about getting in, TV, radio, podcasts, blogs, newsletters, magazines, Instagram lives, TikToks, you know, Facebook live, LinkedIn live, all of it counts and all of it matters.
Jill Lublin:It's all publicity. Everything I just named is publicity and when you network. So I think it's really important to have a message that works, and we can talk about that if you'd like. But, you know, the point is it's it's really about knowing that you represent yourself, your brand, who you are, what you represent, whatever that is, no matter where you are.
Allie:Yeah. So let's talk about the message. What is it?
Jill Lublin:The message is your secret weapon and the power of introducing yourself in a way that solves others' problems. Because I think a mistake a lot of people make is they do the look at me. Here's what I do. This is what I am. You know?
Jill Lublin:Like, that's nice. But, really, what do people care about? They want their problems solved. Whatever it is that you do, my question is, how do you solve and can you solve other people's problems? That's what the media cares about.
Jill Lublin:When there's something up in the news, they want the people right there who are going to be the solution providers. That's known as an expert, and they're the ones who actually get interviewed.
Hawley:Okay. So that's known as an expert. So, you know, I think I was sharing with you and your husband recently that I've been in this business for 13 and a half years. I've been helping people figure out their insurance needs, helping them figure out their retirement needs. I consider myself an expert.
Hawley:However, there's a lot of things I'm not an expert on. So what is your definition of being an expert, and how do I how do I or anyone listening to us become an expert in their field and maybe other fields that they're, good at, but maybe they're not an expert yet?
Jill Lublin:You know, the the point is you're all experts. The question is, in what? I mean, in my world, I love to make people experts in things that you just are already. You know? Like, in other words, I call it using everything you've got.
Jill Lublin:Well, you're definitely an expert in that. You know? For instance, my Hispanic clients will go into Hispanic heritage month and talk about that. And in fact, one of my clients got in Latina Magazine using this strategy. That's a very big publication.
Jill Lublin:And, you know, using everything she's got as a business consultant got in Latina Magazine for Hispanic Heritage Month. So where could you kinda shift this? And I just wanna say that. Me I mean, in addition to, yes, you're an expert in whatever you're an expert in, then the question is, what are you an expert in that now we can use in different ways in different forms? Okay?
Jill Lublin:Another great example, a client of mine who's a, voice expert is also a Christian woman. So we have Christian women's media, Christian media, and women's media. 3 main other target markets that are media related oriented. We can do a story there. Do you see where I'm going with this?
Jill Lublin:That, that's the expanded version of what publicity is. And I think when people kinda get out of their, way in a way too little ways of how they see themselves, then everything gets bigger.
Allie:So when we realize we're an expert in something, how do we create our message now sharing with the world that we're an expert and we can solve their problems?
Jill Lublin:The thing about media to understand is that, being an expert is really about claiming who you are and what the problem is out there that you solve. Like, we've gotta look at the bigger issues of what's important to the listeners, the readers, the viewers, not just what you do. That's what the media cares about. So in my world, in my systems, which I think is is good, every 30 days, look at what is the problem out there. Like, what's going on?
Jill Lublin:You know, our world is changing. Things are changing quickly. You know, what's the main issue now kind of thing? And then how can you fit in?
Hawley:Well, I think volley I think volleyball solves every problem. So that's what I'm gonna claim to be a expert in over the next couple weeks since we're getting down to tournament time and all that good stuff. No. I'm just teasing. But it actually, it brings up a really good point though, because when I first started in this business, and our niche market is we help educators.
Hawley:Right? And so my secret sauce was that I was in every single school district in my in in my area running volleyball programs. I knew all the coaches. I knew all the athletic directors, and that is what I used my ability to network in those areas to get appointments for to learn the financial services industry, to learn insurance. And I sat down with them, and then they would introduce me to more of their friends that work at the school.
Hawley:Maybe they're full time. You know? Some some coaches are not full time. And so it really is, like, I love that using everything you have. I've said that in different way before I say, like, you have lots of assets, make sure you use them.
Hawley:You know? And it's something that I don't think that peep I think people shy away from that a little bit. You know, you gotta lean into those areas where you're an expert and see how there is overlapping areas.
Jill Lublin:So Well, absolutely. If I may, let me just give you a great example. A woman who's a business consultant client of mine, and she has a son who's autistic. Guess what she talks about and where I have her is, National Autism Month. Talking about being a mom, talking about being in business, talking about, do dealing with the things she needs to deal with and be in business and be, you know, fill in the blank.
Jill Lublin:Right? And so we have a lot more latitude, a lot more possibilities for her to get publicity than actually being a business consultant. Right? Now, you know, Holly, I woulda had you in education, making sure you're in talking to education reporters, making sure, you know, you talk to which by the way, there are education reporters all across in different, major media. And they need to know, you know, as educators, how will they be financially secure?
Jill Lublin:What can they do?
Jill Lublin:You see where I'm going with that?
Hawley:Yeah. I mean, it's it's a great point. Like, one of the things that I did when I first started with appreciation was I went to these, meetings at the state level. And, you know, they might not necessarily become my client, but it's more important for me to know who's gonna give me the access to the teachers and to the staff than, you know, meeting with the superintendent who you know, that's one deal possibly. But if I if I am able to connect with them and show them the value in what we do and how it's important for their people to know that they're gonna have a secure future or a future where they can eventually retire, I mean, it's crazy to think that some of the teachers think they can't retire.
Hawley:You know? Because they are, under some false pretense. So I agree. I think those are great places. Now I know that you are an expert at writing scripts.
Hawley:So what is your secret sauce to creating great media scripts?
Jill Lublin:Yeah. And you need a script. Why do you need a script? Some days are better than others. You know what I'm saying?
Jill Lublin:And I think that when we know what to say in the right order that feels good, that gives you confidence. Because what I've noticed with people of a script, and they've been working with me, that their confidence goes up. So then you have a way to communicate much easier. So the secret sauce is fill this blank in. The problem today is don't say what you do.
Jill Lublin:Talk about out there. You know? In your case, the maze of insurance, the confusion. Right? A lot of it, by the way.
Jill Lublin:I think most, you know, normal people will not understand any of what's really going on out there and and need to understand it. So and then, you know, how do we acquire wealth? What do we do? None of these things are taught to us in school. And I think that that's a problem out there.
Jill Lublin:And then you give people solutions. Like, what are 3 real things that you would tell people? This is where you drop your golden nuggets, my friends. This is where you tell people actually what to do, like, we're doing right now here with all of you. We're telling you what to do and how to do it and filling in, you know, formulas for you.
Jill Lublin:So you wanna drip the gold as I like to say and and keep deliver golden nuggets and be of real value and benefit. That's gonna get you great press, great clients, and, you know, media is so wonderful because it does. You wanna talk about attracting wealth, create clients, prospects, revenue, and the return on investment's amazing in terms of, the the ongoing, continuation of buying your services. And then, of course, it creates what I like to call the I've heard of you somewhere syndrome, and that's a key.
Allie:Jill, I wanted to go back when you said you were talking about, finding or every 30 days refreshing to see what's out there, what's going on. And you talk about, meeting with reporters. You're looking at the news and things like that. What other tools do you use? Is there, I know in the past, I've heard social media experts using, like, different keywords in through, different search engines to see what are hot topics pertaining to their field.
Allie:Do you use any tools or other resources?
Jill Lublin:So definitely in publicity, a few things. I like Google alerts, and I think everybody should have their name in Google alerts, number 1. And number 2, like, one word. Like, for instance, I know that World Kindness Day is November 13th. Since I wrote the book, The Prophet of Kindness, I put into Google kindness.
Jill Lublin:Since I wrote the book, Gorilla Publicity, I put into Google publicity. You know? And so I have keywords always, and I think everybody should. One keyword, like, maybe 2. That's it.
Jill Lublin:And then see what is the media talking about because then you can fit right into them. So I love that. And, yes, there's hot topics in media. I know, you know, when I, teach my media mastery intensive, I'm always looking at the research and, like, what are the hot topics right now? They do change, obviously, you know, depending on what's going on in the world.
Jill Lublin:But then you have to fit in what's going on in the world with how you can fit in. You know, I'll give you a great example. A former firefighter, actually one of the first women to be a firefighter in this tiny little village in this kind of a small town in North Carolina. You know, she now helps people put fires out in their business. That's super interesting.
Jill Lublin:Yes, Anne. Her business really is coaching and consulting. However, when the earthquake happened in Syria and Turkey, a terrible tragedy, I said to her, forget your business coaching right now. You're a former firefighter. You're a first responder.
Jill Lublin:You understand what to do in case of emergency, and that's what I'm gonna have you talk about. And she got a lot of press oriented toward what was going on right then. What was the problem right then? You know? So that's what I want people's, you know, kind of PR antennas up and think about how can your knowledge fit in to what's going on in the world.
Jill Lublin:And, you know, happy to, go down that a little bit further because I think that's the creative part about publicity that, that helps to expand your thinking when you're thinking about how can I fit in? And then I wanna add in that publicity is an evolutionary process. And so you plant your seeds. I want you to plant your seeds for a publicity garden so that it keeps growing. Right?
Jill Lublin:So looking ahead, 3, 6, 9 months, what's coming up that you can plant your seeds for to grow that beautiful publicity garden? And look at the holidays. When is, you know, National Wealth Day? Keep looking at unusual holidays. And one way to find them, I'll give you a great resource, national day
Jill Lublin:Fabulous resource. Get creative. Put in your keywords. See what holidays come up, and frankly, start talking about that. So, you you know, go ahead.
Hawley:Well, I just think that well, first of all, the Google alerts, you gave that as a freebie during one of our mastermind sessions, Jill, and I love that. So, you know, we have these mantras at Appreciation Financial. We help a lot of people. We create life changing wealth. We get better every day.
Hawley:I put in life changing wealth. And now anytime any news circuit does life changing wealth, I get, I get a message on my phone. And I just think it's so interesting to see all the different areas where people are talking about life changing wealth. You know? And then I just did a Google search while you said find out what National Wealth Day is.
Hawley:Well, check this out. There's several. So there's International Redefining Wealth Day, which is celebrated on March 15th. There's become a millionaire day, which is May 20th, and there's financial National Financial Freedom Day, which is July 1st, which is cool. We could play something off of July 4th.
Hawley:And then there's, National Building Black Wealth Day. It doesn't have a date, though, so maybe that's every day. I don't know. So, you know, there's just a lot of different ways you could really use, like, for my for me and for Ali, our platform to talk about these different areas and different ways we could publicize this or write a blog about it, write an email, somehow to tie our our content into our messaging. I think that's really great to I love it.
Hawley:Planting of the seeds for a publicity garden.
Allie:I like that too because it gives you it gives you content to talk about rather than you wake up in the morning and go, all right, it's a beautiful day. What do we talk about? You're you're really getting to think ahead of time. And when people are creatives, especially when they're when they're in, they're working on either their social media or blogging or emails. If they're popping in that day, they're already behind because they're chasing what they have to think about rather than planning and having plant having planted those seeds and really letting it build upon itself over weeks months and even years.
Allie:So I like I like that phrase.
Jill Lublin:Fantastic. And Holly just found 5. I think I counted 5 holidays that now if if I were you, I'd be planting those seeds around. Okay. What can we do to connect to that?
Jill Lublin:And I'm just gonna share, you know, July, 4th, for example, I got a huge, radio show in Detroit, Michigan talking about, being free from, unkindness. I took, like, the opposite approach for the profit of kindness. So sometimes you wanna come in opposite, so to speak, slightly contrary. Like, what's all this financial maze about? Right?
Jill Lublin:And throw the question up because people are gonna wonder it anyhow. So you might as well address it.
Hawley:Absolutely. I love that. So you talked a little bit you've talked about being on some different shows just from, you know, how, from whatever it has, peaked your interest and you've been able to jump in and get booked at these different places. Tell us a little bit more about how the ROI on publicity works. How do you how do you get that return on investment?
Jill Lublin:Well, first of all, the thing about publicity, if you don't do any, let me just say, don't go bragging to me about being the best kept secret because I'm telling you, this is the kind of thing that's gonna put you to the front of the line in people's minds quickly. And it does get you seen, get you heard, and get you paid. It drives your prospects and referrals, and it elevates your trust in the marketplace, which is worth a lot these days. Why? Because people know you, see you.
Jill Lublin:You know, and what I've seen for instance, I had a woman who had a $25 little bra strap accessory she created, got in one blog post and sold 600 of them. You know? I mean, that's good math. Right? $25 times 600.
Jill Lublin:Sorry. I don't have my calculator, but you know where I'm going with this. Right? That's 15,000. Right?
Jill Lublin:It's very close. Anyway, point is that that's return on investment. Another woman who's a self published author sold 42 books in a 15 minute interview. Podcast podcast interview. So what I see is continuously, making the phone ring, creating actual sales right then, increased in website stats that are huge.
Jill Lublin:You know, one woman is a business consultant in Minnesota, followed my systems and advice, got into the Minneapolis Star Tribune, walked into a consulting engagement interview, and he said, oh, I googled you, and I see that you've been in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Basically, gave her the gig, $35,000 gig, by the way, of consulting, $35,000 engagement. That was from being in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Because why she rose above the other three people who were up for the consulting engagement, because she got publicity. There's an immediate elevation of trust.
Jill Lublin:And, oh, you must be good because, frankly, someone else is talking about you, writing about you, featuring you, putting you on their podcast, etcetera. It's it's, worth so much more. Plus plus, just from a sheer, how do we measure it in our field? If you had paid for that in advertising, let me just say, most of you couldn't afford to pay for the advertising that publicity gives you for free. So consider it free advertising, amazing resourcefulness, and bragability.
Jill Lublin:Don't underestimate that because now you can take it to your clients, your prospects. And there's just even just laying it in front of people and saying, look where I've been featured, puts you in a level of, oh, you must be good.
Allie:Well, Jill, you sound like you must be good. I I know you have a great offer to offer people to work with you. Can you tell us about it?
Jill Lublin:Yeah. I actually have something I've developed and created for free for all of you, and and that is a publicity action guide. It's filled with great publicity tips that connect you quickly to even more things than we had time to cover today and an interactive publicity master class free and live on Zoom with me, to get all of your questions answered. So you can get that at And I definitely recommend, downloading it and and actually getting on the masterclass.
Jill Lublin:I know it'll serve you.
Hawley:Great. Well, thank you so much. We do have our lightning round. This is just gonna be some quick questions that we ask you. I before we even start the lightning round, though, if you aren't taking notes, I mean, I was.
Hawley:I have a whole page of notes here. So and I've heard Jill speak before, many times, actually. And I have gotten some of these tips before, but, man, it's always good to get a refresher. And I just wanna say thank you for giving us your genius and your time. And, we're gonna go through these these lightning round, questions.
Hawley:And like like they intend to be, they're gonna be fast and furious. Allie always asks them, so I'm gonna I'm gonna defer over to her and let her just shoot away with the lightning round.
Allie:Yeah. Thanks for sharing, Jill. I had never heard of Google alerts before and I am a millennial, so I don't know if I'm just missing the boat entirely or if that's a common thing to miss, but I've definitely taken that to go, in my toolkit. So thank you. Alright.
Allie:For the lightning round, first question, cash or credit? Cash. Real estate or stocks?
Jill Lublin:Real estate.
Allie:If you won a $1,000,000 today, what would be the first thing you do with the money?
Jill Lublin:Always travel. Probably African safari first. Although it's I don't know. Maybe I'll go to Mongolia. Who knows?
Allie:I'm I'm hoping it's in your future for you so you can enjoy both. What is a fun impulse buy you've had recently?
Jill Lublin:You know, I tend to be, I love sprays and, fun things like, on my desk. I have too many right now, but that's another story. But I just I just love going into stores and buying things like this, you know, cat. I bought this in Bali with Holly. Hey.
Jill Lublin:That rhymed.
Allie:Bali with Holly. Love that.
Hawley:That's my new tagline.
Allie:Go to Volley with Holly. Awesome. So is the cat the last impulse buy you've had? The fun most fun?
Jill Lublin:Let me see. I'm looking around my room because I'm sure I'll see something right here, but I tend to, go into bookstores. I I'm an impulse buyer there because I love to read and, you know, I wrote 4. So I'm I am a reader. I tend to do that.
Jill Lublin:And, okay. Makeup. Yes. Love that. Particularly, maybe new lipstick colors.
Jill Lublin:Mine aren't huge impulse buys. Those are more planned. But I do like the the little things. I'm a great like, get me to any craft fair or arts, you know, kind of environment. And I love supporting the vendors and the crafters, so I'm always buying from them.
Jill Lublin:And yes. That's all impulse.
Allie:Yeah. So it's a good thing that you're a cash person then because this could get a little dangerous on a credit card.
Jill Lublin:Yeah. It has occasionally.
Allie:So speaking of money, what's a favorite, money saving tip that you swear by?
Jill Lublin:I, owe 10% into a savings, of every check I get. So that's that's a big thing. And because I have books and people pay me in cash, which I love, I also stash the cash, which, helps pay for my vacations, actually. That's where I spend my impulse buys. See, it all goes round.
Allie:Full circle. Full circle. What's your biggest financial fear?
Jill Lublin:Running out of money.
Allie:Yeah. Pretty common.
Jill Lublin:You know? Yeah. I mean, really, it's it's okay.
Allie:And then last but not least, what's your biggest financial goal for the next year?
Jill Lublin:Certainly, the millionaire piece is is always something that I'm striving for. You know? So that's that I like that one, and I preferred net. Thank you very much. A net millionaire.
Hawley:Nice. I like that. Well, I know we will keep in touch, Jill. Thank you so much. We just really appreciate your time, your expertise, and you're always so willing just to give.
Hawley:I love that. I guess it has to go with the kindness. Kindness and giving, they're like can't they're like brothers, I think, or sisters. You know? They go hand in hand.
Hawley:Right? So Thank you. So we will put all the information in our show notes for, the free offer and your generosity. Thank you again, and enjoy your Kindness Day tomorrow, World Kindness Day.
Jill Lublin:Thank you so much for having me.
Allie:Thank you for joining us on this week's episode.
Hawley:We'd love to hear from you,
Hawley:so make sure to follow and tag us on Facebook and Instagram at Women of Wealth podcast.
Allie:Your support means the world to us. Until next time, remember, your financial future is in your hands.
Hawley:Stay informed, stay inspired, and embrace your will. See you on the next episode.
